The employment contract has to be in writing and the employee has to receive a copy. It should include the details of the type of work you are going to do, including the place of work and the first day of work.
Including salary in the contract
The salary does not have to be included in a Czech employment contract but if it is, there has to be a separate agreement stating the monthly income. The contract should also include specific agreements on business trips and consent to process your personal data. If the contract does not specify the employee’s rights and obligations you have to be informed about them in writing within one month of the start of your employment.
Probation period should be stated
A probation period at the beginning of a new job is very common in the Czech Republic. If the employer requires a probation period, he has to specify that in the employment contract. The maximum duration for the probation period is three months. Within this period the employer can cancel the employment contract without being bound to dismissal protection. After the probation period has already started, it cannot be extended.
Termination of the contract
An employment contract in the Czech Republic may be terminated by agreement, notice, immediate termination or termination within the probation period. The notice period is two months for all employees regardless of their length of employment or their age.
Fixed-term employment contracts may only be concluded up to the maximum period of two years. Afterwards, only unlimited employment contracts may be entered into between the employer and the employee. This type of contract ends on a date specified before the start of employment. They become permanent contracts when the employee continues working with the consent of the employer.
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