The best architects have left amazing structures in the country including secular and church structures, private and public buildings, decorative and utility facilities of monumental as well as minimalist design.
The oldest preserved sights of historical interest in Czech Republic can be traced back to the early Middle Ages. The Romanesque style spread to Bohemia from the west and the south in connection with the settlement of the country by the Slavic population. It was adapted to ...
The Czech Republic is a hilly plateau surrounded by relatively low mountains. Bordering mountain ranges include the Carpathian, Ore, Sudetic and the ...
Ethnic groups in the Czech Republic
The Czech society is composed of 95% of nationals and includes minorities of Slovaks, Gypsies, Poles, Germans ...
The formation of the Czech Republic
Following the First World War the closely related Czechs and Slovaks of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire ...
The Czech Republic is one of the most misunderstood countries in Europe. Some of the visitors still use “Czechoslovakia” to refer to the whole ...
The area of what is today the Czech Republic was a pagan nation until 9th century. In 863 AD two brothers, Cyril and Molodej arrived as Christian missionaries to spread the religion throughout the region and the Catholic Church became very dominant.
Though the country has a strong tradition of Christianity, the Communist rule of 1948 to 1989 greatly repressed religious practice. Nowadays many citizens of the Czech Republic do not claim membership in any religious ...
Population of the Czech Republic
Czechs are West Slavs as are Poles and Slovaks. The capital of the Czech Republic is Prague and it is often called ...
The Czech Republic is a beautiful European country. When travelling abroad you should dedicate some time for walking down the streets of famous Czech ...
The climate differs considerably among the various regions of the Czech Republic depending on the height above sea level. So, the higher you are, ...