The condition of properties
The Czech rental market has little or no regulation. Flats can be in any condition and equipment like stoves, fridges or even toilets may not be working or simply not exist. Whether a flat is clean, painted or inhabitable is entirely up to the person letting it to you. In some places in the Czech Republic, it can be difficult to find good places to rent at affordable prices. There are many apartments on offer in Prague, but is not always easy to find an acceptable flat at reasonable price. Outside of the capital be prepared to look for a good apartment for a couple of months.
The cost of renting Czech properties
Rental price in the Czech Republic varies considerably depending on the area, location and quality of accommodation. Often there are big differences between rents for similar flats in the same neighborhoods, so looking around may be very helpful.
A typical price for a small flat in a small town or village is about 5 000 CZK per month. In bigger cities like Brno, Ostrava or Olomouc you will have to pay about 7 500 CZK. In Prague, rents start at about 10 000 CZK with 12 000 CZK being typical. Lots of apartments are rented out for sums a lot higher than that.
Dealing with real estate agents
In order to find an apartment for rent you may consider contacting a real estate agent. The best advice here is to make sure that you know who you are dealing with. It is wise to get recommendations if possible and use common sense. By law the real estate agent’s fees are meant to be a percentage of the rental charge, but it is rarely respected. Two times the monthly rent in addition to a move-in fee are quite common. The market is to a great extent controlled by the agencies, so you will probably end up dealing with one at some point.
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