The Czech Republic provides lots of opportunities for hiking. In addition there are lots of well-marked tracks and a pub or restaurant is never too far away. The country’s low mountains, rolling hills, forests and a huge number of castles offer idyllic scenery.
Czech Hiking Club
One of the contributions the Czech Hiking Club has made to hiking is the use of colored markers: red, green, blue and yellow on a white background. One of the members of the club said that the main reason for the different colors is ease of identification. It would be very confusing if all the trails were marked red, for example.
In general, the blue and red trails are for longer main trials and the yellow and green connect them. Nowadays there are over 40 000 km of trails, of which 200 to 400 are changed annually. The changes appear in the new editions of the maps.
The marked trails
Corresponding to the marked trails are the ribbons of red, blue, yellow and green snaking over the maps produced by the Czech Hiking Club. These hiking maps are easy to follow even for a novice with the scale of the map that landmarks can be clearly shown.
The marking trails are not the only symbols that you want to familiarize yourself with on the maps. There are also shown camping grounds (a little red tent) and places to stop for a bite or a drink (a red rectangle with a flag coming from one of the top corners).
The Czech Hiking Club maps can be bought at the most larger books stores. They retail for 80 CZK. Apart from maps they also sell travel guides which can be very useful.
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