The globalization and integration processes are accompanied by an increasing number of threats to safety, concerning both the country and the population. Here are several tips on staying safe in the Czech Republic.
- Pickpocketing is one of Prague’s most common crimes. It is important to not underestimate pickpockets as many of them are skilled professionals. Remember that prevention is your best protection. Do not carry large amounts of cash with you. Carry a credit card and take money out of an ATM as you go.
- Leave important documents in a safe deposit box at your hotel. You should carry your passport with you, but leave a copy of it at your hotel in case the original gets lost. Making copies of your important documents is always a good idea when traveling.
- Be careful on crowded trams and subways, especially in the historical center of Prague. Know what’s happening around you and try not to find yourself squeezed in a crowd of other passengers. Wear a money belt instead of a handbag. In addition, not having to worry about a handbag or wallet will free up your mind to fully appreciate the beauty of Prague.
- Car break-ins are another common type of crime in Prague. The advice here is simple: never leave valuables in your car. Car theft has also been a problem in the Czech Republic although the situation has gotten better in recent years. To prevent your car from being stolen or broken into, try to park in a parking garage instead of leaving your car on the street.
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