Applying for a job in the Czech Republic

Applying for a job in the Czech Republic

A job application in Czech Republic should contain a cover letter and a Curriculum Vitae (CV). For the initial application no copies of certificates are needed.

Your application should be as concise as possible, pointing out the reasons that you are specially qualified for the job you are applying for.

CV in the Czech Republic

A CV in the Czech Republic should be no longer than two pages. It provides an overview of your qualifications and previous experience. Besides your personal details such as your name, address, telephone/fax number, nationality, civil status and date of birth, all information on your higher education should be provided. These are usually stated in reverse chronological order. Further your previous positions, skills and any relevant job related activities should be mentioned.

It is important to keep in mind that a CV gives you a lot of freedom to choose which information you want to include. So, it can be tailored for any job you apply for. Too many details that are irrelevant for the job are as bad as too little information on your professional career.

Importance of the cover letter

A cover letter is more important for your job application in Czech Republic than the CV. While the CV gives information about your past, cover letter should explain your future plans. You also use the cover letter to explain why you want to work for the respective company and what your special qualifications for the job are. The cover letter is usually structured into three paragraphs. The first one should explain the previous positions mentioned in the CV, the second paragraph should contain your educational background and skills and the last one includes your contact details. Usually, cover letters are typed and are no longer than one page, but sometimes handwritten ones may be requested.

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